
Currently, there is very little evidence in clinical studies to demonstrate that cannabinoids, such as CBD can treat specific cancers. However, both CBD and THC have shown activity against such tumors as Glioblastoma (brain) in animal models. There are currently active clinical trials looking at a THC:CBD combination for Glioblastoma. From these early studies there seems to be the thought that THC and CBD are able to work together along with standardized cancer therapy for anti-tumor activity. In addition, some trials are now showing early gene findings of how CBD has the potential to inhibit cell proliferation (spread/growth) in breast, brain, Head & Neck, prostate cancer.
Glioblastoma Trial: THC/CBD in combination with Temodar/Radiotherapy
Anti-tumor therapy:
Malignant Astrocytoma:
Gene expression Response/CBD/Aggressive Cancer Cells: Cannabidiol treatment results